Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Govt Employees, Work and Voting

In very short order, the election season will be over. It seems that the candidates have been campaigning for the last 3 years. How does any work get done at all by these candidates in the 'real' jobs? If I want to work elsewhere, can i get paid by my current employer to not show up so I can 'woo' the perspective employer? It seems like a good gig if you can get it. To answer the question on how work gets done... its by the faithful GS employees who are non political and are there election after election doing the work of the American people. We GS employees often get a bum rap in the press as being lazy and set in our ways. I beg to differ. Most that I know and work with care passionately about their jobs and the work they produce. It doesn't matter if you are 25 and hired out of college or within 5 years of retirement! Lets give them their due!

Totally unrelated... I was speaking with someone this morning who informed me they weren't going to vote! Please! Everyone should vote. I don't have to agree with your choice. You dont't have to agree with mine. That's part of the wonderful beauty of our nation. EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE. I can share my opinions with you and hopefully bring you over to my side if you would like me to but I think there are plenty of opinions out there right now.

VOTE! I don't care what age, color, gender, or orientation you. Get to the polls. If you cant get to the polls, get to your county and register to vote absentee. Get it in. It is your right and your responsibility. I don't think I need to remind everyone about the economy, the war, the cultural/religious issues that exist today in our country. ( Frankly, they have ALWAYS existed! Some more pressing than others!)

Where will you be for about 30-40 minutes on Tuesday, Nov. 4th? Your neighborhood polling location is your best bet!

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