Thursday, October 2, 2008

Right on Jim Wallis!

Cricket sent this blog post by Jim Wallis to me this evening. I found it incredibly striking. Mr. Wallis is best known to me as the author of God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It" (Harper Collins, 2005). Its a good read!

In his blog on, Mr. Wallis comments on the state of the American Dream, the American Congress and the financial crisis that is affecting us right now. He offers several suggestions for repentance that Congress could offer during the Jewish High Holy time. Most of which, I found to be right on point.

He also serves up a few suggestions for us ‘common’ folks:

“For being seduced into lifestyles beyond our means and contrary to our religious traditions of simplicity and stewardship. For living on far too much credit, rather than living within our limits. For sometimes putting economic values ahead of family values. For letting the relentless assault of advertising and a culture of consumption to seed in us the sin of covetousness. For valuing our lives too much by the cultural values of worth, instead of by the values of the kingdom of God. And, for the students at Harvard (where I sometimes teach), the fact that half of you want to go into
investment banking as a career is a sign that something has gone wrong with the
culture. Repent, and make sure your vocation benefits the common

He is right. What are we all doing for the common good? How have we each gotten caught in the ‘rat’ race of economic gain and possession management?

I don’t advocate a “Christian’ nation. However, I think we all need to be grounded is a firm spiritual base that cares for those around us as ourselves. If it is true that in the end, we are judged by how we treated the least of our brothers and sisters, then we might want to use this time of ‘crisis’ as a gift to re-evaluate where we stand in relation to that! It seems to me that it is a universal belief of most of the world religions. Care, Love, Respect. If I am not helping the common good – who is?

I am guilty of living beyond my means ( although it is slowly improving in time) and I know that I get caught up in the rat race that is consumerism and greed. I think this is a fine time for me to repent and make some resolutions to walk more humbly and care more deeply. I can rage against the politicans but in the end – I need to look into the mirror. I challenge you all to do the same.

Would love to hear your comments! Leave me some!


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